D'Arcy Gue

CMS ICD-10 Testing Opportunities

November 5, 2014

ICD-10 2 Minute Read

When the decision to delay ICD-10 was made, movement towards the implementation of the new code set came to a halt. Now that the new deadline is set for October 1, 2015, momentum is starting to build once again, albeit slowly.

In an effort to assist providers with their strategy for the new deadline, we conducted a Webinar and published a recording for those who were seeking guidance on re-strategizing for the new deadline.

During the Webinar, there were a few unanswered questions, one of them being, “Will there be additional testing opportunities with CMS?” Since the publication of our Webinar, an answer to this question has been provided and we’d like to share that information with you.

CMS Recently Updated Provider Resources

CMS released a “Road to 10” online resource guide for small practices. This guide includes specialty references and gives providers the ability to create ICD-10 action plans for their specific needs.

There are several helpful resources that can be found here, including documents discussing the basics of ICD-10, resources for ways to communicate with your vendors and clearinghouses about ICD-10, and presentations and Webinars.

Testing Plans Have Also Been Released

According to the transcript from a presentation that the CMS, held on September 23, 2014, new testing plans are in place. Here are the highlights from that presentation:

  • CMS is managing a four-pronged approach to preparedness that includes CMS internal testing of its claims processing systems, provider-initiated beta testing tools, acknowledgement testing, and end-to-end testing.
  • CMS internal system testing has been completed.
  • The first round of acknowledgement testing was completed in March of 2014. The participants represented 5 percent of all submitters and CMS accepted 89 percent of all the test claims. They considered this a successful exercise.
  • Additional acknowledgement testing is open to everyone without registration and is available now.
  • Three testing weeks for end-to-end testing are planned for January, April, and July. Volunteers for this testing must apply. The application period for January is over, but interested parties can still apply for the April and July testing periods through their Medicare Administrative Contractor’s website.

If you have questions about your preparations for ICD-10, we suggest that you:

Watch the “Re-strategizing for ICD-10” Webinar >>

Talk to one of our experts about your transition >>

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