July 24, 2014
Health care organizations are facing a plague – a lack of qualified health care IT resources that is seriously impacting their operations and business objectives.
Federal health care reform-related demands to accelerate the use of IT, accompanied by major advances in health care technologies, have created an urgent need for highly qualified IT staff support in hospitals
If your organization is working on Meaningful Use / MIPS, ICD-10, new systems implementations, enhanced data aggregation and analytics –- and/or related initiatives — you’re likely feeling the pressures of high costs and inadequate IT talent. These efforts require specialized professionals, and today job opportunities greatly outnumber qualified candidates.
How can you minimize the impacts of the staffing shortage? Find out in our guide to assessing and addressing your IT staffing needs. In the guide, we look at the realities of IT staffing today, how to determine if your organizational objectives are at risk, and provide strategies for managing your staffing needs