D'Arcy Gue

Information Governance, Slow ICD-10 Progress, Responses From Washington

September 27, 2014

Healthcare Industry 1 Minute Read

AHIMA makes the case for better healthcare information governance planning.

AHIMA recently launched a survey that assesses healthcare’s information governance practices. What it found is that that there is a lot of data but not a lot of planning for what to do with that data. There needs to be a strategic approach to using healthcare information. This will be the focal message of the upcoming AHIMA Convention and Exhibit, which will occur next week in San Diego.

WEDI releases more news of slow ICD-10 progress.

WEDI conducted a survey in August that explored provider progress in the transition to ICD-10. Unsurprisingly, smaller providers express that the delay of ICD-10 has set them back. Most of them are unsure of when they’ll even complete their impact assessments. The majority of small organization also reported that they expect to begin external testing next year, while larger providers have already initiated testing.

Response from Washington on Meaningful Use / MIPS regulations.

This article from Healthcare Informatics provides key takeaways, next steps, and the implications of recent announcements from Washington such as Meaningful Use / MIPS reporting and urgent issues related to the CMS website.


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