2022 Real World Testing: PCG Patient Portal

PCG Patient Portal


Developer Name: Micro-Office Systems, Division of Medsphere Corp

Product Name(s): PCG

Version Number(s): 3.5

Certified Health IT Product List (CHPL) ID(s):

Plan ID: 20211202MIC


As a standalone Patient Portal, the only measure we need RWT for is View Download Transmit (170.315(e1), both for an ambulatory and an inpatient care setting.  Since this measure involves the patient facing view of the portal, our testing plan will be to select staff at selected individual practices who are also patients of the practice themselves, and conduct a review of the components of VDT with them.  This will provide auditable results of the feature in a production environment.  We will design a sign-off form for the patient staff member to sign, confirming that feature works as intended or verifying issues that would need to be corrected.


Not Applicable at this time, as no standards have been updated


Description of Measurement/Metric:

Measurement/MetricExpected Outomes
Tabulated PASS/FAIL Test Plan ResultsPatients will be able to successfully view readable Visit info, download and save visit info, and transmit to a third-party. 90% PASS or better is expected.

We will select 2-5 separate ambulatory practices who use our portal and who also have staff members that are patients as well.  These should be a variety of medical specialties that will provide a cross the board representation of clinical visit data. We will select at least 2 staff/patients from each practice.

Test plan will be followed that walks the staff person/patient through all aspects of viewing a visit, downloading a visit, and transmitting a visit.  The patient will complete the individual test plan and record their results in a binary way that will allow results to be tallied across test subjects. Test Plans will be tracked via a Pass/Fail rating and results tallied per practice and overall. We expect a 90% minimum success rate over all participating practices.

Associated Certification Criteria:

Associated Certification Criteria:

Justification for Selected Measurement/Metric:

We chose to evaluate our certification criteria using pass/fail test plans with actual patients beccause we felt this would provide the most realistic feedback of our functions.

Care Setting(s):

Specific Care Settings to be used:

  • Sleep Center ambulatory practice
  • Endocrinology ambulatory practice
  • One or more Primary Care ambulatory practices


Identify Participating Practices and Patients: Jan 3rd – Feb 28th 2022

Schedule Review of Testing with Patients: March 1st-March 31st 2022

Conduct VDT Testing Sessions: April 1 – May 31st 2022

Obtain Signoff of Testing Sessions: Complete by August 31st 2022                    

Tally and Submit Results: Complete by Deadline for publishing


This Real World Testing plan is complete with all required elements, including measures that address all certification criteria and care settings. All information in this plan is up to date and fully addresses the health IT developer’s Real World Testing requirements.

Authorized Representative Name: Deborah Jansma
Authorized Representative Email: deb.jansma@micro-officesystems.com
Authorized Representative Phone:      216-508-9952
Authorized Representative Signature:               Deborah Jansma
Date:  December 2, 2021