D'Arcy Gue

For You – The New Omnibus HIPAA Rule Summarized in Seven Pages

April 2, 2013

HIPAA & Security 2 Minute Read

When the HHS released the new Omnibus HIPAA Rule in January, many were overwhelmed by the 563 dense pages of detail. It definitely requires reader-friendly translation.

Given the importance of the Rule, and the fact that compliance is required by September 23, less than six months away, we dug into it right away. What we found was an emphatic federal ramp-up of concern for patients’ rights, and a significant expansion of financial liability. HHS also has assumed greater enforcement powers in defining “breaches,” creating an environment that is likely to increase the number of security and privacy-related incidents that must be reported.  All of this is laid out in the Rule as updated and/or brand new provisions.Omnibus HIPAA Rule

Knowing the pressures healthcare providers are already under, and the lengths to which they are stretched, we understand that most people can’t take the time to read the new Rule. But the requirements and implications of the Rule are significant. It will not be a walk in the park to meet the compliance deadline!

So, we’ve put together a Special Report on the Rule, written by our D’Arcy Guerin Gue, author of the Guide to Medical Privacy and HIPAA, published by Thompson Publishing, and endorsed by the American Medical Association.  This Special Report covers the Rule in only 7 pages.

That’s some light lunchtime reading, if you ask us!

The Special Report summarizes the extensive revisions in HIPAA privacy and security requirements in a concise and clear way. It details the implications of the final Rule, such as:

–        Additional liabilities for Business Associates and Subcontractors

–        New and expanded patient rights

–        A final, expanded rule on Breach Notification

–        Expansion of the HIPAA Privacy, Security and Enforcement Rules

Download the Special Report today and familiarize yourself with the Rule. There is lots of work to do over the next six months and we’re prepared to help you and your organization plan and execute the required actions for compliance.

Watch for more posts about HIPAA here on HITpoint, including steps required in order to meet that September 23, 2013 deadline.

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