D'Arcy Gue

So Many Breaches! Reacquaint Yourself with the Omnibus HIPAA Regs

May 10, 2016

HIPAA & Security 1 Minute Read

HIPAA security and privacy have been around a long time, so many folks didn’t pay much attention when the more stringent 2013 “omnibus” Rule was announced. It strongly boosted the liability and obligations of business associates and their business associates, a fact that many vendors with access to PHI still don’t understand. Neither do many providers, judging from how many pre-2013 business associate agreements we continue to see. Many also don’t realize that financial liability and enforcement was expanded, and that altogether new privacy and security provisions went into force. If you never saw them, or just don’t remember how much stronger HIPAA is today, it’s time to download and read our Guide to Omnnibus HIPAA.

Given the extraordinary uptick in security breaches in the last year, this is a perfect time to refresh your knowledge of our current security and privacy rules, or introduce yourself to them. And, of course…act on their requirements. I was commissioned to write a full summary of Omnibus HIPAA by Thompson Publishing, so you can read everything you need to know right here — in just seven pages.

Download it here.

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